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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Like me!!! Befriend me!!!

5000 templates, a cup of coffee and a slice of apple pie, and a chat with James ((BTW, I'm happy you got a new job=)) later, here I am.

I took great pains to get my blog to look nice, so please, don't ignore my desperate attempts at socializing! Be my friend! I promise I will wash your car every weekend, tidy your closet every Friday and... hmm... buy you candy! Can you resist that? NO! IT'S TOO GOOD TO PASS! SO ADD ME! ((not applicable to those already my friends... so... sis, get someone else to do your dirty work))

I won't say this won't be the place where I'll unburden my soul... we all have emo moments, so deal with it. I love music and I love sharing it, so I'll try to add some stuff in here for you guys ((if you exist)) to download. There's enough drama in the world as it is, so why not laugh at things and chillax? Which basically means I'm not that much of an insensitive bitch... Please, don't take offense when I say stuff.

SooooO... What am I doing today? Nothing. I feel so lazy these days. If only one could get paid for watching TV... BTW, anyone seen anything good these days?? I hate it when I have to wait months before new seasons begin, and you just have to make do with re-runs of The Nanny ((yes.. after, what? 7 years? they're showing it again on open TV))


Can I get those with a real, hot vampire? O.o

Yeah... errmm... No...

Anyway. My sister lies about poor Kiki. Yes, the little beast hates her guts, but... well... she deserves it! She used to put a bucket on top of him and then she'd use it as a drum, driving little Cujo insane. What dog wouldn't hate you afterwards? The funny thing is she just talks and he goes berserk XD

Here's today song :)) Let's get one thing straight first... I know squat about computers. My idea was to upload a whole bunch of songs, but for some reason Rapidshare uploaded them all separately... So I'll add the link to just one of them ((because adding like 5 links would look stupid)) and when I figure how to do what I wanted to do in the first place I will... well... do what I wanted to do in the first place :// So here it is.


Hope you like it and have a nice Tuesday :)


Romina Soto said...

yo... moron... what about uploading a compressed zip/rar file with all the songs? just an idea.

and about little Cujo, he had it coming, it's a mean little thing.

And I'll keep the hot vampires kthnxbye (there is just so much wrong with that last word rofl)

*huggs and kisses and all that other stuff you hate from me*

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